Since “falling back” when Daylight Saving Time ended on Nov. 5, my kids’ sleep schedule has been chaotic (yes, even more so than usual). Kids don’t understand “an extra hour of sleep,” so instead they just wake up really early, act cranky the rest of the day, and then fight going to sleep at bedtime. It’s great (*insert eye roll emoji here.*) So many parents can relate — Starbucks needs to make a size just for us — and Ireland Baldwin is experiencing the “fun” for the first time with her 5-month-old baby Holland.
The model posted a bleary, squinty-eyed selfie to Instagram yesterday, where she is breastfeeding baby Holland in the dark. “Daylight savings really busted my ass today,” she wrote, and I’m laughing in solidarity. “Just when I think I have a grip on this baby schedule, nap time went too late. This morning was a sh*tshow. This whole day felt long as hell.”
Girl, same! And I hate to break it to you, but my kids are 6, 4, and 1 and it’s still not any easier. (Her dad Alec Baldwin should have warned her about this!)
Like any stressed out, exhausted mom who is up breastfeeding in the middle of the night, Baldwin took to Google to find out why we even have to go through Daylight Saving Time in the first place. It turns out it’s all about a New Zealand man named George Vernon Hudson, who wanted more daylight to collect bugs so he wrote a paper to propose the shift in 1895. (HuffPost has more about it HERE.)
Baldwin shared a screenshot from her research, writing, “Then when I googled why this is a thing… I got so mad. George… are you for real GEORGE?!!!! BUGS GEORGE?!?! I thought this was because of some scientist’s discovery or some noteworthy historical event but no. IT’S BECAUSE GEORGE LIKES BUGS.”
She added, “HOW BOUT YOU COME PUT MY GRUMPY, MISSED HER REGULAR NAP, OVERTIRED 5 MONTH OLD DOWN FOR A NAP, GEORGE?!” Yeah, George! You could have just gotten a flashlight to look for bugs, but nooo. You had to go ahead and run the lives of parents everywhere twice a year with this nonsense.
One person apologized for George. “On behalf of all new zealanders, i sincerely apologise. Gosh darn it george!!🙈” they wrote.
“I have a 6 week old girl and got 1 hour of sleep today 😭,” another commented. “I saw the time change irl and everything. I hope George burned in hell.”
“From one Mama, to another … hang in there. You are doing great. 🩷 DLS sucks & needs to just go away. And WTF, George?!! 😬😂🤣 🐜” another said.
Baldwin welcomed Holland with musician RAC. They announced the news on May 18. Prior to this, she gave an interview with Girlboss Radio, where she shared her parenting plan.
“What I’m most excited about is really more centered around a lot of things I really wanted in terms of stability as a child myself that I didn’t have,” she said. “What’s kind of exciting is I get to raise this little human and do things completely differently than what I was taught was the norm.” She added, “It’s cool that I get to unconditionally love this person and do my best to make her as equipped for this world and badass as possible.”
And, apparently, that starts with researching things that don’t make sense and calling out annoying men on their sh*t that impacts the rest of us. Good job, Ireland! Your daughter has a fabulous example to look up to.
Source : Yahoo