A few years back I wrote that if and when a border poll occurs, I will vote for Irish unity. The kamikaze approach of the DUP towards Brexit was one of crash and burn. They failed at their fast and loose game of one-upmanship.
The border poll, when it does take place, is unlikely to lead to a united Ireland in the short term because too much uncertainty exists in the minds of voters. Ultimately those concerns will be assuaged.
The Irish economy – albeit not without problems – is successful, buoyant and robust. By contrast, Northern Ireland is an economic, social and political basket case. There’s a facade being played out but Northern Ireland is no economic Narnia.
The Northern Ireland civil service is moribund. There needs to be seismic and systemic change. As the RHI debacle proved, the civil service failed as much as the politicians who oversaw the flawed scheme. The result was the taxpayer picked up the tab, with everyone apparently responsible but no-one actually accountable.
Political unionism is still letting Northern Ireland down. Stonewalling against compromise is hardly a strategy. Allowing marginal politicians and insignificant loyalist figures to determine the outcome of serious international negotiations is a fool’s paradise.
The Northern Ireland civil service is moribund. There needs to be seismic and systemic change. As the RHI debacle proved, the civil service failed as much as the politicians who oversaw the flawed scheme. The result was the taxpayer picked up the tab, with everyone apparently responsible but no-one actually accountable.
Political unionism is still letting Northern Ireland down. Stonewalling against compromise is hardly a strategy. Allowing marginal politicians and insignificant loyalist figures to determine the outcome of serious international negotiations is a fool’s paradise.
Source: The Irish News